Information About General Dentist Services

The dental professionals at our Cleveland, OH practice offer comprehensive dental care to address your oral needs with stunning results. Our reliable team at MINT dentistry conducts a wide range of preventive, corrective, and cosmetic dental care solutions, along with innovative periodontal treatments, sedation procedures, and endodontics. We welcome you to learn more about the treatments offered and how our state-of-the-art techniques and one-on-one approach can bolster your dental wellness and visual appearance.

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Simple or surgical dental extractions can benefit your oral health by removing a tooth that is severely damaged or cannot grow in properly.

Having professional teeth cleanings every six months can boost your oral health by removing tough plaque, tartar, and stain buildup from the enamel.

A dental implant is a metal post positioned in the jaw to replace a missing tooth or teeth and enable support for a custom bridge, denture, or crown.

Dental x-rays taken during your oral exam allow your MINT dentist to identify developing issues and hidden problems in your jaw, gums, and teeth.

A dental examination allows our MINT dentistry professionals to assess the health of your teeth, gums, and jaw and quickly treat any issues found.

Cavities can be treated with fillings made of composite resin that is tinted to match the color of your surrounding teeth for seamless results.

MINT provides care for the whole family! Our pediatric dental services help children boost their oral health and establish healthy oral habits.

Scaling and root planing can benefit those with periodontal disease by removing harmful built-up tartar and plaque between teeth and under the gums.

A night guard can help shield your teeth, jaw, and gums from symptoms of nocturnal bruxism (grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw during sleep).

A convenient way to whiten your teeth, MINT dentistry offers at-home teeth whitening kits with prescription-strength gel and custom dental trays.

To efficiently and swiftly whiten your teeth, our MINT team offers in-office whitening procedures personalized to fit your goals and needs.

Cosmetic dentistry procedures such as orthodontics, porcelain veneers, and more can create sexy teeth and improve the overall look of your smile.

For adults and teenagers, our MINT dentists proudly offer Invisalign removable aligners to effectively straighten your teeth for a stunning new smile.

Custom porcelain veneers from MINT are securely adhered to the front teeth to mask aesthetic flaws, like chips and gaps, for a gorgeous smile.

To straighten misaligned teeth, we offer orthodontic options like Invisalign® and braces to improve your mouth's health and your smile's appearance.

MINT smile makeovers involve a custom collection of cosmetic and restorative procedures to fit your aesthetic goals and give you sexy teeth.

Traditional metal braces are an affordable and effective way to straighten and align the teeth to create a healthier, more attractive smile.

Designed to address tooth loss, a dental bridge is a restoration consisting of a series of dental crowns that attach to adjacent teeth.

A dental crown from MINT dentistry can be placed to hold together a weak tooth, restore a damaged tooth, or replace a missing tooth with an implant.

MINT dentistry offers custom full and partial dentures as effective tooth replacement options to help revive your oral function and appearance.

MINT dentistry offers root canal therapy to treat a tooth with infected pulp by removing the damaged pulp before filling and sealing the tooth.

Nitrous oxide (also called "laughing gas") is a sedation method that may help you feel at ease throughout routine visits and longer treatments.

To help quell dental fear, our MINT team might prescribe oral-conscious sedation, which involves a sedative that can help you feel relaxed.

Prior to a dental implant placement, a bone graft might be recommended by a MINT dentist to strengthen your jawbone if bone loss has occurred.

Crown lengthening is a periodontal procedure performed to remove extra gum tissue and uncover more of your enamel for a beautiful, healthy smile.

Laser gum contouring removes overgrown and excess soft tissue to boost the appearance of your smile and lessen the chance of gum disease.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.